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HP 5406r Integration with the gpo-ig rack

Ali Sydney requested to merge asydney/emulab-devel:hp5406r-integration-v1 into master

The three committed files allow the integration of the HP5406r switch with the IG rack. The following tests were successfully completed:

  1. VLAN and OF provisioning between two bare metal nodes connected to the rack (via the snmpit calls at the boss node).
  2. VLAN and OF provisioning between two bare metal nodes connected to the rack (via the AM API, i.e. using rspecs)
  3. VLAN and OF provisioning between two VMs at gpo-ig and utc-ig (via the AM API, i.e. using rspecs)

Furthermore, the following two attached MIBs will be required. Please place these in the mib path (/usr/local/share/snmp/mibs).HP-ICF-OID-v1.txtHP-SWITCH-CONFIG.txt

Merge request reports
