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  • Leigh B. Stoller's avatar
    1) Removed a change I put a couple of weeks ago; The loss tests now run in · 6ba129e7
    Leigh B. Stoller authored
       both directions at the same time again. I had put in a delay, attempting
       to see if that might help the packet loss problems; I do not think it
       does. So, loss tests will complete faster.
    2) Changed the duration for the bw tests as we discussed. I did a quickie
       trial, and ended up with:
    	    x > 33Mbs	3 seconds
        33Mbs > x > 10Mbs	5 seconds
        10Mbs > x > 64Kbs   7 seconds
       Then add 3 seconds if the loss if over 10%
       The above numbers are very conservative; we can probably do better, but
       it would take a longer set of trials (across a variety bw/delay
       products). Remember, all bw tests ran for 10 seconds (in each direction).
    3) Add in the ethernet/ip/udp overhead to the bw results; Much nicer. I
       reduced the allowed error factor fom 6% to 2%, although its actually
       within less then 1% most of the time.
    4) Allow BW checks when there is loss on the link; previously linktest
       skipped any link with loss on it. Since we UDP for the tests, we
       can fairly well estimate what the BW will be. This is not perfect
       yet, especially with low BW, high loss links. We need to run some
       trials to see where accuracy falls off too far, or how to
       compensate for it.
    5) Added some more time stamps.