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  • Laszlo Ersek's avatar
    i386/acpi-build: allow more than 255 elements in CPON · 9bcc80cd
    Laszlo Ersek authored
    The build_ssdt() function builds a number of AML objects that are related
    to CPU hotplug, and whose IDs form a contiguous sequence of APIC IDs.
    (APIC IDs are in fact discontiguous, but this is the traditional
    interface: build a contiguous sequence from zero up that covers all
    possible APIC IDs.) These objects are:
    - a Processor() object for each VCPU,
    - a NTFY method, with one branch for each VCPU,
    - a CPON package with one element (hotplug status byte) for each VCPU.
    The build_ssdt() function currently limits the *count* of processor
    objects, and NTFY branches, and CPON elements, in 0xFF (see the assignment
    to "acpi_cpus"). This allows for an inclusive APIC ID range of [0..254].
    This is incorrect, because the highest APIC ID that we otherwise allow a
    VCPU to take is 255.
    In order to extend the maximum count to 256, and the traversed APIC ID
    range correspondingly to [0..255]:
    - the Processor() objects need no change,
    - the NTFY method also needs no change,
    - the CPON package must be updated, because it is defined with a
      DefPackage, and the number of elements in such a package can be at most
      255. We pick a DefVarPackage instead.
    We replace the Op byte, and the encoding of the number of elements.
    DefPackage     := PackageOp    PkgLength NumElements    PackageElementList
    DefVarPackage  := VarPackageOp PkgLength VarNumElements PackageElementList
    PackageOp      := 0x12
    VarPackageOp   := 0x13
    NumElements    := ByteData
    VarNumElements := TermArg => Integer
    The build_append_int() function implements precisely the following TermArg
    encodings (a subset of what the ACPI spec describes):
      TermArg             := DataObject
      DataObject          := ComputationalData
      ComputationalData   := ConstObj | ByteConst | WordConst | DWordConst
      directly encoded in the function, with build_append_byte():
        ConstObj          := ZeroOp | OneOp
          ZeroOp          := 0x00
          OneOp           := 0x01
      call to build_append_value(..., 1):
        ByteConst         := BytePrefix ByteData
          BytePrefix      := 0x0A
          ByteData        := 0x00 - 0xFF
      call to build_append_value(..., 2):
        WordConst         := WordPrefix WordData
          WordPrefix      := 0x0B
          WordData        := ByteData[0:7] ByteData[8:15]
      call to build_append_value(..., 4):
        DWordConst        := DWordPrefix DWordData
          DWordPrefix     := 0x0C
          DWordData       := WordData[0:15] WordData[16:31]
    Signed-off-by: default avatarLaszlo Ersek <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarMichael S. Tsirkin <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarMichael S. Tsirkin <>