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  • Anthony Liguori's avatar
    Rewrite mouse handlers to use QTAILQ and to have an activation function · 6fef28ee
    Anthony Liguori authored
    And convert usb-hid to use it (to avoid regression with bisection)
    Right now, when we do info mice and we've added a usb tablet, we don't see it
    until the guest starts using the tablet.  We implement this behavior in order
    to provide a means to delay registration of a mouse handler since we treat
    the last registered handler as the current handler.
    This is a usability problem though as we would like to give the user feedback
    that they've either 1) not added an absolute device 2) there is an absolute
    device but the guest isn't using it 3) we have an absolute device and it's
    By using QTAILQ and having an explicit activation function that moves the
    handler to the front of the queue, we can implement the same semantics as
    before with respect to automatically switching to usb tablet while providing
    the user with a whole lot more information.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAnthony Liguori <>