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  • Peter Maydell's avatar
    target-arm: Implement a minimal set of cp14 debug registers · ca27c052
    Peter Maydell authored
    Newer ARM kernels try to probe for whether the CPU has hardware breakpoint
    support. For this to work QEMU has to implement a minimal set of the cp14
    debug registers. The architecture requires v7 cores to implement debug
    and so there is no defined way to report its absence; however in practice
    returning a zero DBGDIDR (ie with a reserved value for "debug architecture
    version") should cause well-written hw debug users to do the right thing.
    We also implement DBGDRAR and DBGDSAR as RAZ, indicating no memory mapped
    debug components.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarPeter Maydell <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAurelien Jarno <>