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  • Michael S. Tsirkin's avatar
    pci: implement bridge filtering · 7df32ca0
    Michael S. Tsirkin authored
    Support bridge filtering on top of the memory
    API as suggested by Avi Kivity:
    Create a memory region for the bridge's address space.  This region is
    not directly added to system_memory or its descendants.  Devices under
    the bridge see this region as its pci_address_space().  The region is
    as large as the entire address space - it does not take into account
    any windows.
    For each of the three windows (pref, non-pref, vga), create an alias
    with the appropriate start and size.  Map the alias into the bridge's
    parent's pci_address_space(), as subregions.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarMichael S. Tsirkin <>