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  • Kevin Wolf's avatar
    blkdebug: Implement suspend/resume of AIO requests · 3c90c65d
    Kevin Wolf authored
    This allows more systematic AIO testing. The patch adds three new
    operations to blkdebug:
     * Setting a "breakpoint" on a blkdebug event. The next request that
       triggers this breakpoint is suspended and is tagged with a name.
       The breakpoint is removed after a request has triggered it.
     * A suspended request (identified by it's tag) can be resumed
     * It's possible to check whether a suspended request with a given
       tag exists. This can be used for waiting for an event.
    Ideally, we would instead tag requests right when they are created and
    set breakpoints for individual requests. However, at this point the
    block layer doesn't allow this easily, and breakpoints that trigger for
    any request already allow a lot of useful testing.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarKevin Wolf <>