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  • Alexander Graf's avatar
    PPC: E500: Generate device tree on reset · 28290f37
    Alexander Graf authored
    Today we generate the device tree once on machine initialization and then
    store the finalized blob in memory to reload it on reset.
    This is bad for 2 reasons. First we potentially waste a bunch of RAM for no
    good reason, as we have all information required to regenerate the device
    tree available anyways.
    The second reason is even more important. On machine init when we generate
    the device tree for the first time, we don't have all of the devices fully
    initialized yet. But the device tree needs to potentially walk devices to
    put information about them into the device tree.
    Move the generation into a reset function. That way we just generate it new
    every time we reset, solving both of the above issues.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAlexander Graf <>