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  • Russell King's avatar
    clk: provide prepare/unprepare functions · 40d3e0f4
    Russell King authored
    As discussed previously, there's the need on some platforms to run some
    parts of clk_enable() in contexts which can schedule.  The solution
    which was agreed upon was to provide clk_prepare() and clk_unprepare()
    to contain this parts, while clk_enable() and clk_disable() perform
    the atomic part.
    This patch provides a common definition for clk_prepare() and
    clk_unprepare() in linux/clk.h, and provides an upgrade path for
    existing implementation and drivers: drivers can start using
    clk_prepare() and clk_unprepare() once this patch is merged without
    having to wait for platform support.  Platforms can then start to
    provide these additional functions.
    Eventually, HAVE_CLK_PREPARE will be removed from the kernel, and
    everyone will have to provide these new APIs.
    Acked-by: default avatarSaravana Kannan <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarRussell King <>