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  • Moni Shoua's avatar
    Soft RoCE driver · 8700e3e7
    Moni Shoua authored
    Soft RoCE (RXE) - The software RoCE driver
    ib_rxe implements the RDMA transport and registers to the RDMA core
    device as a kernel verbs provider. It also implements the packet IO
    layer. On the other hand ib_rxe registers to the Linux netdev stack
    as a udp encapsulating protocol, in that case RDMA, for sending and
    receiving packets over any Ethernet device.  This yields a RDMA
    transport over the UDP/Ethernet network layer forming a RoCEv2
    compatible device.
    The configuration procedure of the Soft RoCE drivers requires
    binding to any existing Ethernet network device. This is done with
    /sys interface.
    A userspace Soft RoCE library (librxe) provides user applications
    the ability to run with Soft RoCE devices.  The use of rxe verbs ins
    user space requires the inclusion of librxe as a device specifics
    plug-in to libibverbs. librxe is packaged separately.
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