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  • Guenter Roeck's avatar
    watchdog: Implement status function in watchdog core · 90b826f1
    Guenter Roeck authored
    Up to now, the watchdog status function called a driver function,
    which was supposed to return the watchdog status. All but one
    driver using the watchdog core did not implement this function,
    and the driver implementing it did not implement it correctly
    (the function is supposed to return WDIOF_ flags). At the same time,
    at least some of the status information can be provided by the watchdog
    Provide the available status bits directly from the watchdog driver core.
    Call the driver status function if it exists to get the boot status, but
    always provide WDIOF_MAGICCLOSE and WDIOF_KEEPALIVEPING internally.
    This patch makes the 'status' sysfs attribute always available.
    This attribute is now displayed as hex number with 0x prepended to be
    easier to decode.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarGuenter Roeck <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarWim Van Sebroeck <>