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  • Charlie Jacobsen's avatar
    lcd-create-v2: Kernel module load/unload for kliblcd. · ff505da5
    Charlie Jacobsen authored and Vikram Narayanan's avatar Vikram Narayanan committed
    Adds two new functions to liblcd interface - lcd_module_load and
    lcd_module_unload - for loading a kernel module from disk and into
    the caller's address space. (Interface designed so that at some
    point in the future, liblcd can implement these for isolated
    The kliblcd implementation uses the host module loader to bring
    in the kernel module from disk (as before), but now we duplicate
    the entire module (rather than just the struct module pages).
    Motivation: There are numerous bits embedded in the kernel module's
    image (struct module, symbol tables, string tables, and possibly
    more) that the host uses during kallsyms lookup, module linked-list
    traversal, and so on, and it wouldn't be safe for the module loader
    to share that with the LCD. (The module loader wasn't designed
    to share bits with a potentially malicious or buggy peer.) It's
    simpler to just duplicate the entire module image (init and core).
    The other advantage is once we've made the duplicate, we can
    unload the copy in the host module loader (all we needed were the
    program bits).
    IMPORTANT: This has some significant implications:
      1 - It means means we no longer have to look up the host's copy
          of the struct module in the receiving side of glue code for
          e.g. register_filesystem. (The struct module will be treated
          just like any other struct.)
          I think overall this will be a good thing, and we won't run into
          serious problems in the near future. Functions like
          register_filesystem bump the reference count on the struct
          module. When the user tried to unload the kernel module, the host
          checks that the reference count goest to zero. Now, we need to
          ensure instead that the LCD that contains the module won't go
          away (e.g. before all file systems it is responsible for have
          been unmounted). We'll have to cross that bridge when we get there.
      2 - Some of the host utility functions for e.g. symbol lookup will
          not work as is. But I see some workarounds.
    The other big change is now we're using more coarse-grained
    capability management for the module pages (only two capabilities -
    one for init vmalloc mem, one for core vmalloc mem, rather than
    a capability for each page). I need to now implement
    lcd_vmalloc/lcd_vfree in order for this code to be fully ready.
    Note: I considered linking the kernel module at a lower address
    so that we can use a direct map in the LCD's virtual address
    space. And this may be possible now that we're unloading the
    module right after we load it. But it's a bit risky since the
    host uses some of the section addresses for symbol and exception
    table lookup, and maybe others (if I linked it for a lower
    address, the host would crash or use random memory). The benefits
    didn't seem to outweigh the risks.