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  • Christian Lamparter's avatar
    ar9170usb: remove deprecated aggregation code · f3926b49
    Christian Lamparter authored
    This patch removes the incomplete AMPDU implementation in ar9170usb.
    The code in question is:
     * too big and complex (more than 550 SLOC.)
       This is enough to qualify for a new separate code file!
     * unbalanced quantity & quality
    	over-engineered areas like:
    		* xmit scheduling and queuing frames for multiple HT peers
    		* redundant frame sorting
    	are confronted by gaping holes:
    		* accurate transmission feedback
    		* firmware error-handling and device reset
    		* HT rate control algorithm
     * error-prone
    	Since its inclusion, hardly anything was done to fix
    	any of the outlined flaws from the initial commit message.
       => This also indicates poor maintainability.
     * relies heavily on several spinlocks.
    As a result of this shortcomings, the code is slow and does not
    even support the most basic 11n requirement: HT station mode.
    Therefore, I request to purge my heap of **** from the kernel:
    "ar9170: implement transmit aggregation".
    The next item on the agenda is: (re-)start from scratch with
    an adequate design to accommodate the special requirements
    and features of the available frameworks and tools.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarChristian Lamparter <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJohn W. Linville <>