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  • Rusty Russell's avatar
    lguest: remove invalid interrupt forcing logic. · ebf9a5a9
    Rusty Russell authored
     (lguest: notify on empty) introduced
    lguest support for the VIRTIO_F_NOTIFY_ON_EMPTY flag, but in fact it turned on
    interrupts all the time.
    Because we always process one buffer at a time, the inflight count is always 0
    when call trigger_irq and so we always ignore VRING_AVAIL_F_NO_INTERRUPT from
    the Guest.
    It should be looking to see if there are more buffers in the Guest's queue:
    if it's empty, then we force an interrupt.
    This makes little difference, since we usually have an empty queue; but
    that's the subject of another patch.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarRusty Russell <>