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  • Johannes Berg's avatar
    cfg80211: handle add_station auth/assoc flag quirks · bda95eb1
    Johannes Berg authored
    When a new station is added to AP/GO interfaces the default behaviour
    is for it to be added authenticated and associated, due to backwards
    compatibility. To prevent that, the driver must be able to do that
    (setting the NL80211_FEATURE_FULL_AP_CLIENT_STATE feature flag) and
    userspace must set the flag mask to auth|assoc and clear the set.
    Handle this quirk in the API entirely in nl80211, and always push the
    full flags to the drivers. NL80211_FEATURE_FULL_AP_CLIENT_STATE is
    still required for userspace to be allowed to set the mask including
    those bits, but after checking that add both flags to the mask and
    set in case userspace didn't set them otherwise.
    This obsoletes the mac80211 code handling this difference, no other
    driver is currently using these flags.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJohannes Berg <>