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  • Tejun Heo's avatar
    percpu-refcount: implement percpu_ref_cancel_init() · bc497bd3
    Tejun Heo authored
    Normally, percpu_ref_init() initializes and percpu_ref_kill()
    initiates destruction which completes asynchronously.  The
    asynchronous destruction can be problematic in init failure path where
    the caller wants to destroy half-constructed object - distinguishing
    half-constructed objects from the usual release method can be painful
    for complex objects.
    This patch implements percpu_ref_cancel_init() which synchronously
    destroys the percpu_ref without invoking release.  To avoid
    unintentional misuses, the function requires the ref to have finished
    percpu_ref_init() but never used and triggers WARN otherwise.
    v2: Explain the weird name and usage restriction in the function
    Signed-off-by: default avatarTejun Heo <>
    Acked-by: default avatarKent Overstreet <>