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  • Johannes Berg's avatar
    mac80211: fix station entry leak/warning while suspending · b20d34c4
    Johannes Berg authored
    Since Stanislaw's patches, when suspending while connected,
    cfg80211 will disconnect. This causes the AP station to be
    removed, which uses call_rcu() to clean up. Due to needing
    process context, this queues a work struct on the mac80211
    workqueue. This will warn and fail when already suspended,
    which can happen if the rcu call doesn't happen quickly.
    To fix this, replace the synchronize_net() which is really
    just synchronize_rcu_expedited() with rcu_barrier(), which
    unlike synchronize_rcu() waits until RCU callback have run
    and thus avoids this issue.
    In theory, this can even happen without Stanislaw's change
    to disconnect on suspend since userspace might disconnect
    just before suspending, though then it's unlikely that the
    call_rcu() will be delayed long enough.
    Cc: [3.7+]
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJohannes Berg <>