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  • John W. Linville's avatar
    mac80211: avoid "Wireless Event too big" message for assoc response · ad788b5e
    John W. Linville authored
    The association response IEs are sent to userland with an IWEVCUSTOM
    event, which unfortunately is limited to a little more than 100 bytes
    of IE information with the encoding used.  Many APs send so much
    IE information that this message overflows.  When the IWEVCUSTOM
    event is too large, the kernel doesn't send it to userland anyway --
    better just not to send it.
    An attempt was made by Jouni Malinen to correct this issue by
    converting to use IWEVASSOCREQIE and IWEVASSOCRESPIE messages instead
    ("mac80211: Use IWEVASSOCREQIE instead of IWEVCUSTOM").  Unfortunately,
    that caused a problem due to 32-/64-bit interactions on some systems and
    was reverted after the 'userland ABI' rule was invoked.  That leaves
    us with this option instead of a proper fix, at least until we move
    to a cfg80211-based solution.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJohn W. Linville <>