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  • Jiri Kosina's avatar
    HID: fix up 'EMBEDDED' mess in Kconfig · 73d5e8f7
    Jiri Kosina authored
    The whole point of making some of the drivers automatically selected
    unless 'EMBEDDED' was to handle quirks transparently after their separation
    from the generic core.
    Over time, some of the later-added quirks grew into more standalone drivers,
    implementing non-trivial features a being larger than a few bytes of code.
    In addition to that, some of the standalone drivers don't make sense for
    99.9% of the users, as they are very specific to rare devices.
    Therefore build by default in only those drivers which
    - we historically used to support even before quirk separation from the
      core code
    - are isolated enough and likely to hit quite large portion of the
      users anyway (Microsoft, Logitech)
    Reported-by: default avatarLinus Torvalds <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJiri Kosina <>