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  • Charlie Jacobsen's avatar
    liblcd-v2: Fix kliblcd mapping, address -> cptr translation. · 89df5958
    Charlie Jacobsen authored and Vikram Narayanan's avatar Vikram Narayanan committed
    I needed to clarify this part of the liblcd interface and ensure
    I have it right.
    Non-isolated code *must* invoke lcd_map_phys, lcd_map_virt, or
    _lcd_mmap on memory objects it either volunteers or is granted.
    This gives kliblcd an opportunity to insert the memory object
    into one of the two resource trees used for address -> cptr
    I changed the names of the two trees to clarify what is stored
    in there - contiguous vs non-contiguous. (This is only a kliblcd
    internal thing.) It doesn't matter if you map contiguous memory
    via lcd_map_phys or lcd_map_virt; it always goes in the contiguous
    resource tree. Similar or non-contiguous (e.g. vmalloc) mem.