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  • Robert Moore's avatar
    ACPICA 20050526 from Bob Moore <> · 88ac00f5
    Robert Moore authored
    Implemented support to execute Type 1 and Type 2 AML
    opcodes appearing at the module level (not within a control
    method.)  These opcodes are executed exactly once at the
    time the table is loaded. This type of code was legal up
    until the release of ACPI 2.0B (2002) and is now supported
    within ACPI CA in order to provide backwards compatibility
    with earlier BIOS implementations. This eliminates the
    "Encountered executable code at module level" warning that
    was previously generated upon detection of such code.
    Fixed a problem in the interpreter where an AE_NOT_FOUND
    exception could inadvertently be generated during the
    lookup of namespace objects in the second pass parse of
    ACPI tables and control methods. It appears that this
    problem could occur during the resolution of forward
    references to namespace objects.
    Added the ACPI_MUTEX_DEBUG #ifdef to the
    acpi_ut_release_mutex function, corresponding to the same
    the deadlock detection debug code to be compiled out in
    the normal case, improving mutex performance (and overall
    subsystem performance) considerably.  As suggested by
    Alexey Starikovskiy.
    Implemented a handful of miscellaneous fixes for possible
    memory leaks on error conditions and error handling
    control paths. These fixes were suggested by FreeBSD and
    the Coverity Prevent source code analysis tool.
    Added a check for a null RSDT pointer in
    acpi_get_firmware_table (tbxfroot.c) to prevent a fault
    in this error case.
    Signed-off-by Len Brown <>