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  • Linas Vepstas's avatar
    [POWERPC] pseries: Handle null iommu dma-window property correctly · 650f7b3b
    Linas Vepstas authored
    Some versions of pSeries firmware fail to set up a
    dma-window property for PCI slots that are unoccupied.
    As a result, the loop searching for this propery, in
    pci_dma_dev_setup_pSeriesLP(), can run to the end, resulting
    in a NULL pointer dereference later in the routine. This
    patch prevents the crash, and prints a warning message.
    This is theoretically a rare error, as it occurs on what
    is hopefully just beta levels of firmware. But just in case
    this firmware escapes into the wild, this patch will avoid
    the crash.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarLinas Vepstas <>