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  • Paulo Zanoni's avatar
    drm/i915: don't wait for vblank while writing InfoFrames · 5cde2a62
    Paulo Zanoni authored
    This function is called when the pipe is disabled, so it always gets
    the 50ms timeout.
    This function is called once for each InfoFrame, so we actually get a
    100ms timeout. Will be more if we add more InfoFrames.
    Also, the spec says we need to "wait for a VSync to ensure completion
    of any pending DIP transmissions", not for a VBlank. OTOH, the
    register documentation suggests that the DIPs are sent *during* the
    VSync, so shouldn't we be waiting until *after* the VSync to ensure
    all DIPs are sent?
    So this wait_for_vblank seems, besides useless, totally wrong.
    If we ever want to change some specific InfoFrame on-the-fly (outside
    of the modeset code), the code that changes the InfoFrame will have to
    do the waiting itself, and properly.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarPaulo Zanoni <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarDaniel Vetter <>