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  • Josef Bacik's avatar
    Btrfs: fix potential race in extent buffer freeing · 594831c4
    Josef Bacik authored
    This sounds sort of impossible but it is the only thing I can think of and
    at the very least it is theoretically possible so here it goes.
    If we are in try_release_extent_buffer we will check that the ref count on
    the extent buffer is 1 and not under IO, and then go down and clear the tree
    ref.  If between this check and clearing the tree ref somebody else comes in
    and grabs a ref on the eb and the marks it dirty before
    try_release_extent_buffer() does it's tree ref clear we can end up with a
    dirty eb that will be freed while it is still dirty which will result in a
    panic.  Thanks,
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJosef Bacik <>