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  • Mauro Carvalho Chehab's avatar
    i7core_edac: Adds write unlock to MC registers · e9bd2e73
    Mauro Carvalho Chehab authored
    The public Intel Xeon 5500 volume 2 datasheet describes, on page 53,
    session 2.6.7 a register that can lock/unlock Memory Controller the
    configuration register, called MC_CFG_CONTROL.
    Adds support for it in the hope that software error injection would
    work. With my tests with Xeon 35xx, there's still something missing.
    With a program that does sequencial bit writes at dev 0.0, sometimes, it
    produces error injection, after unblocking the MC_CFG_CONTROL (and,
    sometimes, it just locks my testing machine).
    I'll try later to discover by trial and error what's the register that
    solves this issue on Xeon 35xx.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarMauro Carvalho Chehab <>