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  • Sarah Sharp's avatar
    USB: xhci: Setup HW retries correctly. · 47692d17
    Sarah Sharp authored
    The xHCI host controller can be programmed to retry a transfer a certain number
    of times per endpoint before it passes back an error condition to the host
    controller driver.  The xHC will return an error code when the error count
    transitions from 1 to 0.  Programming an error count of 3 means the xHC tries
    the transfer 3 times, programming it with a 1 means it tries to transfer once,
    and programming it with 0 means the HW tries the transfer infinitely.
    We want isochronous transfers to only be tried once, so set the error count to
    Signed-off-by: default avatarSarah Sharp <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarGreg Kroah-Hartman <>