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  • Jack Morgenstein's avatar
    mlx4: Modify proxy/tunnel QP mechanism so that guests do no calculations · 47605df9
    Jack Morgenstein authored
    Previously, the structure of a guest's proxy QPs followed the
    structure of the PPF special qps (qp0 port 1, qp0 port 2, qp1 port 1,
    qp1 port 2, ...).  The guest then did offset calculations on the
    sqp_base qp number that the PPF passed to it in QUERY_FUNC_CAP().
    This is now changed so that the guest does no offset calculations
    regarding proxy or tunnel QPs to use.  This change frees the PPF from
    needing to adhere to a specific order in allocating proxy and tunnel
    Now QUERY_FUNC_CAP provides each port individually with its proxy
    qp0, proxy qp1, tunnel qp0, and tunnel qp1 QP numbers, and these are
    used directly where required (with no offset calculations).
    To accomplish this change, several fields were added to the phys_caps
    structure for use by the PPF and by non-SR-IOV mode:
        base_sqpn -- in non-sriov mode, this was formerly sqp_start.
        base_proxy_sqpn -- the first physical proxy qp number -- used by PPF
        base_tunnel_sqpn -- the first physical tunnel qp number -- used by PPF.
    The current code in the PPF still adheres to the previous layout of
    sqps, proxy-sqps and tunnel-sqps.  However, the PPF can change this
    layout without affecting VF or (paravirtualized) PF code.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJack Morgenstein <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarRoland Dreier <>