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  • Charlie Jacobsen's avatar
    Re-factored guest virtual address space setup code. · 2170318e
    Charlie Jacobsen authored and Vikram Narayanan's avatar Vikram Narayanan committed
    A lot of changes here (:gulp:).
    -- renamed to: lcd_ept_gpa_to_hva
    -- cleaned it up
    Bitmap no longer in lcd; declared as local var
    inside lcd_setup_guest_virtual.
    -- renamed / refactored to: lcd_gv_alloc_paging_mem_page
    -- new code allocs host physical page for paging mem,
       and allocates chunk of guest physical address space
       (by setting bit in bitmap, as before)
    -- renamed / refactored to: lcd_gv_walk
    -- break apart each level in guest virtual page
       walk into separate functions, to make it more
    -- serves purpose similar to lcd_ept_walk, but
       returns a pte in the guest virtual page table
    -- takes care of guest virtual mapping that
       the old vmx_setup_initial_page_table did
    Code not tested or built yet.