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  • Keir Fraser's avatar
    Calling awk and not gawk in the Xen scripts · b00f9fda
    Keir Fraser authored
    I noticed that 2 scripts in Xen 4.0.0 are calling "gawk". Normally, in
    most distributions, gawk is considered a specific version of awk.
    Calling "gawk" and not "awk" generally means that you need
    specificities of the "g" version of awk, as opposed to "mawk" which is
    another implementation of the same tool.
    So, unless I misread the scripts, Xen doesn't need to use gawk but
    just any implementation of awk, and the attached patch can safely be
    If I am wrong (which I don't think I am at the first look) and that
    there's a reason why gawk is used and not awk, then IMHO, the toplevel
    README should mention it in the prerequisites.
    From: Thomas Goirand <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarKeir Fraser <>