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  • Olaf Hering's avatar
    xenpaging: reduce number of qemu cache flushes · d3d413f0
    Olaf Hering authored
    Currently the command to flush the qemu cache is called alot if there
    are no more pages to evict. This causes churn in the logfiles, and qemu
    can not release more pages anyway since the last command.
    Fix this by remembering the current number of paged-out gfns, if this
    number did not change since the last flush command then sending another
    new flush command will not free any more gfns.
    Remove return code from xenpaging_mem_paging_flush_ioemu_cache() since
    errors do not matter, and will be handled elsewhere. Also failure to
    send the flush command is not fatal.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarOlaf Hering <>
    Committed-by: Ian Jackson <>