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  • kfraser's avatar
    [TPM] Add tests cases for the ACM security hooks and tools to · 801f1320
    kfraser authored
    the xm test suite. The tests can be run with ACM turned off (not
    compiled into Xen; see user doc for this), but most of them will be
    skipped then. They can be run with a command like
    make -C tests/security-acm check-TESTS
    from the xm-test directory. They are also part of the default tests in
    the tests suite and part of a new group test 'security'.
    Since some of the tests require resources to be labeled, one must
    explicitly enable the resources to be allowed to be labeled by the
    suite by running
    ./configure --enable-full-labeling
    once. To turn it off, the '--enable-full-labeling' parameter should be
    Signed-off-by: default avatarStefan Berger <>