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  • stekloff's avatar
    Fix the test, which was failing because the · 16fca6f6
    stekloff authored
    set console.limit command in the test was never being run. The select in was never timing out because there was always someting to read on
    the fd, the OOM messages are constant. So the test would hang.
    The fix includes:
    1) Changing MEM in to 32MBs, which is the default
       for the tools that should work.
    2) Change the XmConsole init to add an argument to set the console limit
       when it's created.
    3) Set a default large limit for console so we won't hang in the future.
    4) Added a new test to handle failure situation.
    5) Added comment in README.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarDaniel Stekloff <>