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  • David Johnson's avatar
    Improve the MUL build/inst (glib det, sep obj tree, install all). · 7a6d3919
    David Johnson authored
    I improved the MUL build and install (and application build!)
    in several ways:
      * Use pkg-config to detect glib-2.0 .  Sadly, the Makefile.ams
        are not really amenable to easy modification to support the
        resulting flags, so that's why I did what I did.  The whole
        glib include/libs thing should change...
      * Support external object tree builds, not just builds in the
        source tree.  Lots of $(top_srcdir) action here... and included
        in that morass are updates of bad things, like linking to
        <path>/.libs/libfoo.a -- ugh -- instead of <path>/ --
        because that's how this build was set up, and it kind of wants
        to be that way for some symbol stuff I didn't care to dig into.
        I think it has to do with the way apps are built, and some
        symbol deps that the shared objs have, but like I say, I don't
        care right now.
      * Support applications built from the installed version of MUL.
        This means we had ...