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  • Russell Bryant's avatar
    python: Fix several pep8 whitespace errors. · a0631d92
    Russell Bryant authored
    Fix the following pep8 errors:
      E201 whitespace after '('
      E203 whitespace before ','
      E222 multiple spaces after operator
      E225 missing whitespace around operator
      E226 missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
      E231 missing whitespace after ':'
      E241 multiple spaces after ':'
      E251 unexpected spaces around keyword / parameter equals
      E261 at least two spaces before inline comment
      E262 inline comment should start with '# '
      E265 block comment should start with '# '
      E271 multiple spaces after keyword
    Signed-off-by: default avatarRussell Bryant <>
    Acked-by: default avatarBen Pfaff <>