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  • Benli Ye's avatar
    ipfix: Add support for exporting ipfix statistics. · fb8f22c1
    Benli Ye authored
    It is meaningful for user to check the stats of IPFIX.
    Using IPFIX stats, user can know how much flows the system
    can support. It is also can be used for performance check
    of IPFIX.
    IPFIX stats is added for per IPFIX exporter. If bridge IPFIX is
    enabled on the bridge, the whole bridge will have one exporter.
    For flow IPFIX, the system keeps per id (column in
    Flow_Sample_Collector_Set) per exporter.
    1) Add 'ovs-ofctl dump-ipfix-bridge SWITCH' to export IPFIX stats of
       the bridge which enable bridge IPFIX. The output format:
       NXST_IPFIX_BRIDGE reply (xid=0x2):
         bridge ipfix: flows=0, current flows=0, sampled pkts=0, \
                       ipv4 ok=0, ipv6 ok=0, tx pkts=0
                       pkts errs=0, ipv4 errs=0, ipv6 errs=0, tx errs=0
    2) Add 'ovs-ofctl dump-ipfix-flow SWITCH' to export IPFIX stats of
       the bridge which enable flow IPFIX. The output format:
       NXST_IPFIX_FLOW reply (xid=0x2): 2 ids
         id   1: flows=4, current flows=4, sampled pkts=14, ipv4 ok=13, \
                 ipv6 ok=0, tx pkts=0
                 pkts errs=0, ipv4 errs=0, ipv6 errs=0, tx errs=0
         id   2: flows=0, current flows=0, sampled pkts=0, ipv4 ok=0, \
                 ipv6 ok=0, tx pkts=0
                 pkts errs=0, ipv4 errs=0, ipv6 errs=0, tx errs=0
    flows: the number of total flow records, including those exported.
    current flows: the number of current flow records cached.
    sampled pkts: Successfully sampled packet count.
    ipv4 ok: successfully sampled IPv4 flow packet count.
    ipv6 ok: Successfully sampled IPv6 flow packet count.
    tx pkts: the count of IPFIX exported packets sent  to the collector(s).
    pkts errs: count of packets failed when sampling, maybe not supported or other error.
    ipv4 errs: Count of IPV4 flow packet in the error packets.
    ipv6 errs: Count of IPV6 flow packet in the error packets.
    tx errs: the count of IPFIX exported packets failed when sending to the collector(s).
    Signed-off-by: default avatarBenli Ye <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarBen Pfaff <>