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  • Ansis Atteka's avatar
    bridge: allow OVS to interact with controller through sockets outside run dir · 81d2f75c
    Ansis Atteka authored
    Currently Open vSwitch is unable to create or connect to Unix Domain
    Sockets outside designated 'run' directory, because of fear of potential
    remote exploits where a hacked remote OVSDB manager would tell Open vSwitch
    to connect to a unix domain socket owned by other daemon on the same
    This patch allows to disable this behavior by changing
    /etc/default/openvswitch (Ubuntu) or /etc/sysconfig/openvswitch (RHEL)
    file to:
    Note, that it is better to stick with default behavior, unless:
    1. You have Open vSwitch running under SELinux or AppArmor
       that would prevent OVS from messing with sockets owned by other
       daemons; OR
    2. You are sure that relying on OpenFlow handshake is enough to
       prevent OVS to adversely interact with those other daemons
       running on the same hypervisor; OR
    3. You don't have much worries of remote exploits in the first
       place, because perhaps OVSDB manager is running on the same host
       as OVS.
    The initial use-case for this patch is to allow to connect to OpenFlow
    controller that has its socket outside OVS run directory.  However,
    in the future it could be generalized to allow to disable self-confinement
    for other things like DPDK vhost-user sockets or anything else
    that is specifiable in OVSDB with full path.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAnsis Atteka <>
    Acked-by: default avatarJesse Gross <>
    VMware-BZ: #1525857