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  • Jesse Gross's avatar
    bfd: Allow setting OAM bit when encapsulated in tunnel. · 2eb79142
    Jesse Gross authored
    Some tunnel protocols, such as Geneve, have a bit in the tunnel
    header to indicate that it is an OAM packet. This means that the
    packet should be processed as a tunnel control frame and not be
    passed onto connected links.
    When BFD is used inside of a tunnel it is often used in this control
    capacity, so this adds an option to enable marking the outer header
    when the output port is a tunnel that supports the OAM concept. It is
    also possible to use tunnels as point-to-point links that are simply
    carrying BFD as payload, so this is not always turned on.
    Conceptually, this may also apply to other types of packets locally
    generated by the switch, most obviously CFM. However, BFD seems to
    be most commonly used for this type of tunnel monitoring application
    so this only adds the option to BFD for the time being to avoid
    unnecessarily adding configuration knobs that might never get used.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJesse Gross <>
    Acked-by: default avatarPravin B Shelar <>