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  • Ben Pfaff's avatar
    Introduce ofpacts, an abstraction of OpenFlow actions. · f25d0cf3
    Ben Pfaff authored
    OpenFlow actions have always been somewhat awkward to handle.
    Moreover, over time we've started creating actions that require more
    complicated parsing.  When we maintain those actions internally in
    their wire format, we end up parsing them multiple times, whenever
    we have to look at the set of actions.
    When we add support for OpenFlow 1.1 or later protocols, the situation
    will get worse, because these newer protocols support many of the same
    actions but with different representations.  It becomes unrealistic to
    handle each protocol in its wire format.
    This commit adopts a new strategy, by converting OpenFlow actions into
    an internal form from the wire format when they are read, and converting
    them back to the wire format when flows are dumped.  I believe that this
    will be more maintainable over time.
    Thanks to Simon Horman and Pravin Shelar for reviews.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarBen Pfaff <>
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