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  • Ansis Atteka's avatar
    rhel: provide our own SELinux custom policy package · bb3af1bf
    Ansis Atteka authored
    CentOS, RHEL and Fedora distributions ship with their own Open vSwitch
    SELinux policy that is too strict and prevents Open vSwitch to work
    normally out of the box.
    As a solution, this patch introduces a new package which will "loosen"
    up "openvswitch_t" SELinux domain so that Open vSwitch could operate
    Intended use-cases of this package are:
    1. to allow users to install newer Open vSwitch on already released Fedora,
    RHEL and CentOS distributions where the default Open vSwitch SELinux policy
    that shipped with the corresponding Linux distribution is not up to date
    and did not anticipate that a newer Open vSwitch version might need to
    invoke new system calls or need to access certain system resources that
    it did not before; And
    2. to provide alternative means through which Open vSwitch developers
    can proactively fix SELinux related policy issues without waiting for
    corresponding Linux distribution maintainers to update their central
    Open vSwitch SELinux policy.
    This patch was tested on Fedora 23 and CentOS 7. I verified that now
    on Fedora 23 Open vSwitch can create a NetLink socket; and that I did
    not see following error messages:
    vlog|INFO|opened log file /var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log
    ovs_numa|INFO|Discovered 2 CPU cores on NUMA node 0
    ovs_numa|INFO|Discovered 1 NUMA nodes and 2 CPU cores
    reconnect|INFO|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock: connecting...
    reconnect|INFO|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock: connected
    netlink_socket|ERR|fcntl: Permission denied
    dpif_netlink|ERR|Generic Netlink family 'ovs_datapath' does not exist.
                     The Open vSwitch kernel module is p robably not loaded.
    dpif|WARN|failed to enumerate system datapaths: Permission denied
    dpif|WARN|failed to create datapath ovs-system: Permission denied
    I did not test all Open vSwitch features so there still could be some
    OVS configuration that would get "Permission denied" errors.
    Since, Open vSwitch daemons on Ubuntu 15.10 by default run under "unconfined"
    SELinux domain, then there is no need to create a similar debian package
    for Ubuntu, because it works on default Ubuntu installation.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAnsis Atteka <>
    Acked-by: default avatarFlavio Leitner <>
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