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  • Mark Hamilton's avatar
    utilities: a top like tool for ovs-dpctl dump-flows. · 14b4c575
    Mark Hamilton authored
    This python script summarizes ovs-dpctl dump-flows content by aggregating
    the number of packets, total bytes and occurrence of the following fields:
      - Datapath in_port
      - Ethernet type
      - Source and destination MAC addresses
      - IP protocol
      - Source and destination IPv4 addresses
      - Source and destination IPv6 addresses
      - UDP and TCP destination port
      - Tunnel source and destination addresses
    Testing included confirming both mega-flows and non-megaflows are
    properly parsed. Bit masks are applied in the case of mega-flows
    prior to aggregation.  Test --script parameter which runs in
    non-interactive mode. Tested syntax against python 2.4.3, 2.6 and 2.7.
    Confirmed script passes pep8 and pylint run as:
    pylint --disable=I0011 --include-id=y --reports=n
    This tool has been added to these distribution:
      - add ovs-dpctl-top to debian distribution
      - add ovs-dpctl-top to rpm distribution.
      - add ovs-dpctl-top to XenServer RPM.
    Signed-off-by: Mark ...