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  • Ben Pfaff's avatar
    ofproto: Fix memory leak and memory exhaustion bugs in group_mod. · a7a43b43
    Ben Pfaff authored
    In handle_group_mod() cases where adding a group failed, nothing freed the
    list of buckets, causing a leak.  The same was true in every case of
    modifying a group.  This commit fixes the problem by changing add_group()
    to never steal or free the buckets (modify_group() already acted this way)
    and then making handle_group_mod() always free the buckets when it's done.
    This approach might at first raise objections, because it makes add_group()
    copy the buckets instead of just take the existing ones.  On branch-2.5
    and master, there's a good reason for that--please see the original commit
    for explanation.  On this backport to branch-2.4, though, we just use this
    approach to avoid having to carefully write a new version for the backport.
    Found by pain and suffering.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarBen Pfaff <>
    Acked-by: default avatarJarno Rajahalme <>