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  • Joe Stringer's avatar
    ofp-actions: Fix use-after-free in bundle action. · 19b58f3c
    Joe Stringer authored
    If the actions list in an incoming flow mod is long enough, and there is
    a bundle() action with 3 or more slaves, then it is possible for a
    reallocation to occur after placing the ofpact_bundle into the ofpacts
    buffer, while slave ports into the buffer. If the memory freed by this
    reallocation is then passed to another thread, then that thread may
    modify the value that bundle->n_slaves points to. If this occurs quickly
    enough before the main thread finishes copying all of the slaves, then
    the iteration may continue beyond the originally intended number of
    slaves, copying (and swapping) an undetermined number of 2-byte chunks
    from the openflow message. Finally, the length of the ofpact will be
    updated based on how much data was written to the buffer, which may be
    significantly longer than intended.
    In many cases, the freed memory may not be allocated to another thread
    and be left untouched. In some milder bug cases, this will lead to
    'bundle' actions using more memory than required. In more serious cases,
    this length may then exceed the maximum length of an OpenFlow action,
    which is then stored (truncated) into the 16-bit length field in the
    ofpact header. Later execution of ofpacts_verify() would then use this
    length to iterate through the ofpacts, and may dereference memory in
    unintended ways, causing crashes or infinite loops by attempting to
    parse/validate arbitrary data as ofpact objects.
    Fix the issue by updating 'bundle' within the iteration, immediately
    after (potentially) expanding the bundle.
    Thanks to Jarno Rajahalme for his keen pair of eyes on finding this
    VMWare-BZ: #1614715
    Fixes: f25d0cf3
     ("Introduce ofpacts, an abstraction of OpenFlow actions.")
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJoe Stringer <>
    Acked-by: default avatarJarno Rajahalme <>