# Contributing to OpenAirInterface #
We want to make contributing to this project as easy and transparent as possible.
Please refer to the steps described on our website: [How to contribute to OAI](
1. Sign and return a Contributor License Agreement to OAI team.
2. Create an account on [Eurecom GitLab Server](
3. Provide the identifiant of this account to the OAI team ( so you have developer rights on this repository.
4. The policies are described in these wiki pages: [OAI Policies](
- PLEASE DO NOT FORK the OAI repository on your own Eurecom GitLab account. It just eats up space on our servers.
- You can fork onto another hosting system. But we will NOT accept a merge request from a forked repository.
* This decision was made for the license reasons.
* The Continuous Integration will reject your merge request.
- All merge requests SHALL have `develop` branch as target branch.
## Coding Styles ##
There are described [here](
## License ##
By contributing to OpenAirInterface, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.