luis_pereira87 authored
Band n78 is widely used by mobile network operators, we want to transmit over the air without interfere with them, so we set the allocation in this configuration file outside of band n78
luis_pereira87 authoredBand n78 is widely used by mobile network operators, we want to transmit over the air without interfere with them, so we set the allocation in this configuration file outside of band n78
gnb.sa.band77.fr1.273PRB.2x2.usrpn300.conf 10.01 KiB
Active_gNBs = ( "gNB-OAI");
# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
Asn1_verbosity = "none";
gNBs = (
////////// Identification parameters:
gNB_ID = 0xe00;
gNB_name = "gNB-OAI";
// Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
tracking_area_code = 1;
plmn_list = (
mcc = 208;
mnc = 99;
mnc_length = 2;
snssaiList = ({
sst = 1;
sd = 0x1; // 0 false, else true
nr_cellid = 12345678L;
////////// Physical parameters:
pdsch_AntennaPorts_XP = 2;
pusch_AntennaPorts = 2;
do_CSIRS = 1;
do_SRS = 0;
ul_prbblacklist = "135,136,137,138"
pdcch_ConfigSIB1 = ({
controlResourceSetZero = 12;
searchSpaceZero = 0;
servingCellConfigCommon = (
# spCellConfigCommon
physCellId = 0;
# downlinkConfigCommon
# frequencyInfoDL
# this is 3900.60 MHz + (134 PRBs + 4 SCs)@30kHz SCS (GSCN: 8158)
absoluteFrequencySSB = 663264;
dl_frequencyBand = 77;
# this is 3900.60 MHz
dl_absoluteFrequencyPointA = 660040;
# scs-SpecificCarrierList
dl_offstToCarrier = 0;
# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
dl_subcarrierSpacing = 1;
dl_carrierBandwidth = 273;
# initialDownlinkBWP
# genericParameters
# this is RBstart=0,L=162 (275*(275-L+1))+(274-RBstart))
initialDLBWPlocationAndBandwidth = 31624;
# subcarrierSpacing
# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
initialDLBWPsubcarrierSpacing = 1;
# pdcch-ConfigCommon
initialDLBWPcontrolResourceSetZero = 12;
initialDLBWPsearchSpaceZero = 0;
# uplinkConfigCommon
# frequencyInfoUL
ul_frequencyBand = 77;
# scs-SpecificCarrierList
ul_offstToCarrier = 0;
# subcarrierSpacing
# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
ul_subcarrierSpacing = 1;
ul_carrierBandwidth = 273;
pMax = 20;
# initialUplinkBWP
# genericParameters
initialULBWPlocationAndBandwidth = 31624;
# subcarrierSpacing
# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
initialULBWPsubcarrierSpacing = 1;
# rach-ConfigCommon
# rach-ConfigGeneric
prach_ConfigurationIndex = 98;
# prach_msg1_FDM
# 0 = one, 1=two, 2=four, 3=eight
prach_msg1_FDM = 0;
prach_msg1_FrequencyStart = 0;
zeroCorrelationZoneConfig = 12;
preambleReceivedTargetPower = -90;
# preamblTransMax (0...10) = (3,4,5,6,7,8,10,20,50,100,200)
preambleTransMax = 6;
# powerRampingStep
# 0=dB0,1=dB2,2=dB4,3=dB6
powerRampingStep = 1;
# ra_ReponseWindow
# 1,2,4,8,10,20,40,80
ra_ResponseWindow = 4;
# ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_PR
# 1=oneeighth,2=onefourth,3=half,4=one,5=two,6=four,7=eight,8=sixteen
ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_PR = 3;
# oneHalf (0..15) 4,8,12,16,...60,64
ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB = 15;
# ra_ContentionResolutionTimer
# (0..7) 8,16,24,32,40,48,56,64
ra_ContentionResolutionTimer = 7;
rsrp_ThresholdSSB = 19;
# prach-RootSequenceIndex_PR
# 1 = 839, 2 = 139
prach_RootSequenceIndex_PR = 2;
prach_RootSequenceIndex = 1;
# SCS for msg1, can only be 15 for 30 kHz < 6 GHz, takes precendence over the one derived from prach-ConfigIndex
msg1_SubcarrierSpacing = 1,
# restrictedSetConfig
# 0=unrestricted, 1=restricted type A, 2=restricted type B
restrictedSetConfig = 0,
msg3_DeltaPreamble = 1;
p0_NominalWithGrant =-90;
# pucch-ConfigCommon
# pucchGroupHopping
# 0 = neither, 1= group hopping, 2=sequence hopping
pucchGroupHopping = 0;
hoppingId = 40;
p0_nominal = -70;
# dmrs_TypeA_position
# 0 = pos2, 1 = pos3
dmrs_TypeA_Position = 0;
# subcarrierSpacing
# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
subcarrierSpacing = 1;
# ssb_PositionsInBurs_BitmapPR
# 1=short, 2=medium, 3=long
ssb_PositionsInBurst_PR = 2;
ssb_PositionsInBurst_Bitmap = 1;
# ssb_periodicityServingCell
# 0 = ms5, 1=ms10, 2=ms20, 3=ms40, 4=ms80, 5=ms160, 6=spare2, 7=spare1
ssb_periodicityServingCell = 2;
# subcarrierSpacing
# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
referenceSubcarrierSpacing = 1;
# pattern1
# dl_UL_TransmissionPeriodicity
# 0=ms0p5, 1=ms0p625, 2=ms1, 3=ms1p25, 4=ms2, 5=ms2p5, 6=ms5, 7=ms10
dl_UL_TransmissionPeriodicity = 6;
nrofDownlinkSlots = 7;
nrofDownlinkSymbols = 6;
nrofUplinkSlots = 2;
nrofUplinkSymbols = 4;
ssPBCH_BlockPower = -25;
# Dedicated Serving Cell Configuration
servingCellConfigDedicated = (
# BWP-Downlink
# BWP 1 Configuration
dl_bwp-Id_1 = 1;
dl_bwp1_locationAndBandwidth = 1099; // RBstart=0, L=273 (100 MHz BW)
# subcarrierSpacing
# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
dl_bwp1_subcarrierSpacing = 1;
firstActiveDownlinkBWP-Id = 1; #BWP-Id
defaultDownlinkBWP-Id = 1; #BWP-Id
# bwp-InactivityTimer ENUMERATED {ms2, ms3, ms4, ms5, ms6, ms8, ms10, ms20, ms30,
# ms40,ms50, ms60, ms80,ms100, ms200,ms300, ms500,
# ms750, ms1280, ms1920, ms2560, spare10, spare9, spare8,
# spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1 }
# UplinkConfig
# BWP-Uplink
# BWP 1 Configuration
ul_bwp-Id_1 = 1;
ul_bwp1_locationAndBandwidth = 1099; // RBstart=0, L=273 (100 MHz BW)
# subcarrierSpacing
# 0=kHz15, 1=kHz30, 2=kHz60, 3=kHz120
ul_bwp1_subcarrierSpacing = 1;
firstActiveUplinkBWP-Id = 1; #BWP-Id
# ------- SCTP definitions
# Number of streams to use in input/output
////////// AMF parameters:
amf_ip_address = (
ipv4 = "";
ipv6 = "192:168:30::17";
active = "yes";
preference = "ipv4";
GNB_PORT_FOR_S1U = 2152; # Spec 2152
num_cc = 1;
tr_s_preference = "local_L1";
tr_n_preference = "local_RRC";
pusch_TargetSNRx10 = 300;
pucch_TargetSNRx10 = 200;
pusch_FailureThres = 1000;
ulsch_max_frame_inactivity = 0;
ul_max_mcs = 28;
L1s = (
num_cc = 1;
tr_n_preference = "local_mac";
prach_dtx_threshold = 120;
pucch0_dtx_threshold = 80;
RUs = (
local_rf = "yes"
nb_tx = 2;
nb_rx = 2;
att_tx = 0;
att_rx = 0;
bands = [77];
max_pdschReferenceSignalPower = -27;
max_rxgain = 75;
eNB_instances = [0];
##beamforming 1x2 matrix: 1 layer x 2 antennas
bf_weights = [0x00007fff, 0x0000];
#clock_src = "internal";
sdr_addrs = "mgmt_addr=,addr=,clock_source=internal,time_source=internal"
#three config for level of parallelism "PARALLEL_SINGLE_THREAD", "PARALLEL_RU_L1_SPLIT", or "PARALLEL_RU_L1_TRX_SPLIT"
parallel_config = "PARALLEL_SINGLE_THREAD";
#two option for worker "WORKER_DISABLE" or "WORKER_ENABLE"
worker_config = "WORKER_ENABLE";
rfsimulator :
serveraddr = "server";
serverport = "4043";
options = (); #("saviq"); or/and "chanmod"
modelname = "AWGN";
IQfile = "/tmp/rfsimulator.iqs";
security = {
# preferred ciphering algorithms
# the first one of the list that an UE supports in chosen
# valid values: nea0, nea1, nea2, nea3
ciphering_algorithms = ( "nea0" );
# preferred integrity algorithms
# the first one of the list that an UE supports in chosen
# valid values: nia0, nia1, nia2, nia3
integrity_algorithms = ( "nia2", "nia0" );
# setting 'drb_ciphering' to "no" disables ciphering for DRBs, no matter
# what 'ciphering_algorithms' configures; same thing for 'drb_integrity'
drb_ciphering = "yes";
drb_integrity = "no";
log_config :
global_log_level ="info";
hw_log_level ="info";
phy_log_level ="info";
mac_log_level ="info";
rlc_log_level ="info";
pdcp_log_level ="info";
rrc_log_level ="info";
ngap_log_level ="debug";
f1ap_log_level ="debug";