- Mar 02, 2006
Timothy Stack authored
pretty simple at the moment, there is a line for each agent and dots on the line where an event was fired.
Leigh B. Stoller authored
thought it would be cause of our current hacked up source code. I also chased a cookie bug that is caused by domain confusion between inner and outer emulab. No solutions for this yet, but its not likely to bother anyone, except the dope that is trying to debug the inner flyspray web site.
Leigh B. Stoller authored
so that collab tool accounts get created.
Leigh B. Stoller authored
Leigh B. Stoller authored
Leigh B. Stoller authored
Leigh B. Stoller authored
Timothy Stack authored
- Mar 01, 2006
Jonathon Duerig authored
Changed the ipassign METIS assigner source to allow compilation under gcc 3.*. This should be enough for compilation under FreeBSD 5.* and 6.*
Leigh B. Stoller authored
Leigh B. Stoller authored
fetched yet.
Leigh B. Stoller authored
Leigh B. Stoller authored
Russ Fish authored
Russ Fish authored
Kirk Webb authored
Update description and defaults for the watchdog/rusage sitevar (now in terms of seconds instead of minutes).
Kirk Webb authored
Plab connectivity monitoring changes: * tmcd/tmcd.c Updated connectivity log file names to include the date, and hence automatically roll every 24 hours - much more friendly to the filesave, and easier to archive off. * tmcd/common/watchdog Undo the conversion to minutes for the rusage time period (back to seconds) to get the finer granularity Jay wants. Not deployed yet. Note that this means the watchdog/rusage field will specify the number of _seconds_ not minutes as it currently does. I will update it's description to reflect this.
Leigh B. Stoller authored
- Feb 28, 2006
Jay Lepreau authored
Jay Lepreau authored
Leigh B. Stoller authored
Built With Emulab logo.
Leigh B. Stoller authored
redraw the ping-pong balls in openoffice so we have an easily changeable figure; I got tired of pushing bits around with Photoshop. The logo.sxd is just a big version of the ping pong balls. I then took that and shrank it down to size to create builtwith.sxd, and added the "Built with Emulab" text. Still didn't look quite right cause of aliasing. So, I found the easiest thing to do was export it as a .eps file, and then use ImageMagick's "convert" utility to create a .png file: convert -antialias builtwith.eps builtwith.png The antialiasing option makes it look much much nicer. I have also changed the page footer so that when $TBMAINSITE=0, the new logo is added to bottom of every page. See http://www.emulab.net/builtwith.png
- Feb 27, 2006
Kirk Webb authored
Add call "plabeventkeys" for listing all event system keys for the experiments on a particular plab pnode. Can only be called by the service slice. Returns tuples, one per line, for each experiment on the node like so: PID=<pid> EID=<eid> KEY=<eventsys_key>
Leigh B. Stoller authored
in the exports file to export the local filesystem to localhost.
Leigh B. Stoller authored
source does not fix it; it just removes the -T argument. So that is what I am doing.
- Feb 26, 2006
Leigh B. Stoller authored
public stuff needed on ops (cvsd).
- Feb 24, 2006
Robert Ricci authored
Robert Ricci authored
Robert Ricci authored
Robert Ricci authored
Timothy Stack authored
pseudo users, pull next_uid out of the db instead of relying on the next avail unix uid.
Mike Hibler authored
We used to do this (circa FreeBSD4.3) with a kernel hack, since then we have just been logging console output again. Cease and desist!
Leigh B. Stoller authored
* Add mailman to the install process. This includes the package install, all the setup needed in ops-install, and the little patches we apply locally. Note: Only under 6.0: no point in going backwards since its a pain in the ass to build these packages for the 4.10 image. * Push more of the package install back down into the ops/boss install scripts. This improves testing within those scripts, and avoids duplication. There are some changes in rc.mkelab that will temp mount the package dir on /packages for the benefit of the scripts.
Leigh B. Stoller authored
Leigh B. Stoller authored
scripts happy.
- Feb 23, 2006
Kevin Atkinson authored
Fix tied STDIN and STDOUT with perl 5.8 in libtblog. Fix a phototype warning in os_load.in
Leigh B. Stoller authored
Leigh B. Stoller authored
Leigh B. Stoller authored
Creating the groups for main group is enough for testing.
Leigh B. Stoller authored