- Mar 13, 2013
Leigh B Stoller authored
- Mar 08, 2013
Leigh B Stoller authored
stuff that we used to have for the Emulab/Protogeni trac wikis. Not much code, but it was hard fought!
- Sep 24, 2012
Eric Eide authored
This commit is intended to makes the license status of Emulab and ProtoGENI source files more clear. It replaces license symbols like "EMULAB-COPYRIGHT" and "GENIPUBLIC-COPYRIGHT" with {{{ }}}-delimited blocks that contain actual license statements. This change was driven by the fact that today, most people acquire and track Emulab and ProtoGENI sources via git. Before the Emulab source code was kept in git, the Flux Research Group at the University of Utah would roll distributions by making tar files. As part of that process, the Flux Group would replace the license symbols in the source files with actual license statements. When the Flux Group moved to git, people outside of the group started to see the source files with the "unexpanded" symbols. This meant that people acquired source files without actual license statements in them. All the relevant files had Utah *copyright* statements in them, but without the expanded *license* statements, the licensing status of the source files was unclear. This commit is intended to clear up that confusion. Most Utah-copyrighted files in the Emulab source tree are distributed under the terms of the Affero GNU General Public License, version 3 (AGPLv3). Most Utah-copyrighted files related to ProtoGENI are distributed under the terms of the GENI Public License, which is a BSD-like open-source license. Some Utah-copyrighted files in the Emulab source tree are distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 (LGPL).
- May 04, 2012
Mike Hibler authored
Mike Hibler authored
It is invoked by suexec and cannot be a symlink.
- Aug 30, 2011
Leigh B Stoller authored
- Jan 07, 2011
Leigh B Stoller authored
- Dec 22, 2010
Mike Hibler authored
- Dec 21, 2010
Leigh B Stoller authored
- Oct 12, 2010
Leigh B Stoller authored
- Jun 03, 2010
Kevin Atkinson authored
Got comparison backwards when checking file date against HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE in fetch-vis.
- May 17, 2010
Mike Hibler authored
- May 12, 2010
Leigh B Stoller authored
- May 10, 2010
Leigh B Stoller authored
header on messages from non members, to reduce the spam, See Moderate.py in this directory, which is installed to ops:/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Handlers. Note that this is only done in Utah!
- Apr 28, 2010
Kevin Atkinson authored
Kevin Atkinson authored
Use tbssh instead of ssh, call TBScriptUnlock(), and check that we really are root when running the proxy on ops.
Kevin Atkinson authored
Kevin Atkinson authored
Kevin Atkinson authored
exp. visualization code.
Kevin Atkinson authored
Also now depends on HTTP::Date found in the p5-libwww package.
Kevin Atkinson authored
Kevin Atkinson authored
Kevin Atkinson authored
write-vis-auth-boss -> write-vis-auth write-vis-auth-ops -> write-vis-auth.proxy
Kevin Atkinson authored
more than one instance from running at once and 2) can run in the background by mailing testbed-ops on error.
Kevin Atkinson authored
- Apr 16, 2010
Kevin Atkinson authored
pages from the /proj directory, without having to set the exec. bit on /proj/PID. Will also be used to handle authorization in the future.
- Mar 22, 2010
Leigh B Stoller authored
deleted, they still remain in the user table with a status of "archived", but since all the queries in the system now use uid_idx instead of uid, it is safe to reuse a uid since they are no longer ambiguous. The reason for not deleting users from the users table is so that the stats records can refer to the original record (who was that person named "mike"). This is very handy and worth the additional effort it has taken. There is no way to ressurect a user, but it would not be hard to add.
- Mar 04, 2010
Leigh B Stoller authored
used; it was intended to build chatrooms, and relies on internal knowledge of the jabber source code.
- Mar 02, 2009
Leigh B. Stoller authored
- Feb 27, 2009
Kevin Atkinson authored
However, when creating a new project, don't die if addprojadminlist fails. Instead send mail to testbed-ops so someone can fix it up manually.
- Aug 21, 2008
Leigh B. Stoller authored
special people).
- Aug 12, 2008
Mike Hibler authored
- Aug 10, 2008
Leigh B. Stoller authored
- Jul 17, 2008
Leigh B. Stoller authored
Leigh B. Stoller authored
- Jul 09, 2008
Leigh B. Stoller authored
Also some changes to cross machine login to trac to avoid repeated cookie generation.
- Jun 26, 2008
Leigh B. Stoller authored
file. Just like the flyspray version.
Leigh B. Stoller authored
Leigh B. Stoller authored
flyspray email gateway.
- May 09, 2008
Kevin Atkinson authored
acceptance email truly anonymous. A few other emails related to project membership are still not anonymous though. New function AnonSENDMAIL in libtestbed which will try to make sure there is no trace of the current user in the mail sent. For now, stop sending membership approval related email to the project admin list since this will also go to testbed-approval. There is also some code to remove testbed-approval from the proj-admin list after the acceptance email but this is disabled for now since some times people reply to the approval email.