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  • Mike Hibler's avatar
    Speed up the (common) case where no nodes in an experiment are in the MFS. · 270878a0
    Mike Hibler authored
    On nfree, we call nfsmfs_setup will all nodes in the experiment even
    though it is unlikely that any of them are in the MFS. Even so, we were
    unconditionally doing a "zfs share -a" to make sure the exports table was
    up to date. This hurt hard in our environment where we have a zillion users
    and oodles of nodes (these are very precise thresholds!)
    Also, use "mount" to get the list of mounted NFS MFS filesystems rather
    than "zfs list" which likewise can be quite painful when there are a gazillion
    (1 gazillion > 1 zillion) ZFS filesystems.