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  • David Johnson's avatar
    Allow the systemd fstab swap fixer to mkswap/swapon! · 492a748d
    David Johnson authored
    I cannot find why we called fixup-fstab-swaps with '-E' (which means,
    don't mkswap/swapon any swaps).  The only thing I can think of is that
    perhaps running swapon manually made the systemd dev-*.swap targets
    unhappy.  However, it is necessary to mkswap if the swap device didn't
    exist, because systemd will not mkswap for you, AFAIK -- it will only
    swapon.  On Ubuntu 16, the dev-*.swap targets are happy whether they or
    Emulab does the swapon.  If that's not true on Centos 7 or other
    systemds, we may have to revisit this tweak.