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  • Leigh B. Stoller's avatar
    Add support for idleswapping an experiment as the creator of the · ff5a57de
    Leigh B. Stoller authored
    experiment, rather than as an administrator, which presents group
    permission problems when the experiment is in a subgroup (requires two
    additional group, whereas suexec adds only one group). That aside, the
    correct approach is to run the swap as the creator. To do that, must
    flip to the user (from the admin person) in the backend using the new
    idleswap script, and then run the normal swapexp. Add new option to
    swapexp (-i) which changes the email slightly to make it clear that
    the experiment was idleswapped, and so that the From: is tbops not the
    user (again, to make it more clear).
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