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  • Leigh B. Stoller's avatar
    Another round of widearea node hacking for CMU. These changes add · 99346dc0
    Leigh B. Stoller authored
    widearea reloading support.
    * New slot in the images table to store an access key which remote
      sites must provide in order to download an image (via https).
    * tmcd returns a different kind of ADDRESS field from doloadinfo.
      Instead of the multicast stuff, return a URL that points to boss'
      web server. The URL is of the form:
      which as you can see is fully specified; the client does not need
      to know anything else.
    * New webpage and backend scripts appropriately called "spewimage"
      which also includes support for the http HEAD request (from wget) to
      avoid downloading images that are already on the node. I just
      learned about this HEAD request stuff today ... but otherwise these
      operate as expected, spewing the image if the access key is provided.
    * Changes to rc.frisbee to deal with remote loading. In addition to
      URL support, I also added support for...